Welcome to the official website of the Plantation Fire Department.

Mission Statement

The Plantation Fire Department will maintain a comprehensive Mission Statement which establishes the purpose and function of the Department as follows:

It is the mission of the Plantation Fire Department to protect the lives and property of the citizens of Plantation with the highest levels of knowledge and skill in the spirit of “neighbor helping neighbor” upon which the Fire Department was founded, while recognizing our fiscal responsibility to the community.

The Department will ensure all members are introduced to the Mission Statement during their orientation to the Department and reviewed annually.

The Department will continually reinforce the Mission Statement with all members inclusive of the purpose and value of the statement.

Requests to make changes to the Mission Statement should be submitted, in writing, to the Fire Chief. Suggested changes will be reviewed in accordance with the Department’s Policy and Guidelines Revisions process.

Value Statement
fire trucks
firefighters on ladder
fire department members
fire department members