The Procurement Department is the office responsible for the acquisition of supplies, services, and construction to support The City operations. The Procurement Department is authorized to issue Invitation to Bids, Request for Sealed Proposals, Request for Qualifications, Request for Informal Bids, and Issue Contracts. The Procurement Department reviews purchase orders, develops term contracts, and acquires supplies & services. The Procurement Department also disposes of all surplus property and equipment.
The major responsibilities by function are as follows:
- To procure required services, materials, equipment, and construction while ensuring that quality, safety, and cost-effectiveness are achieved.
- To ensure that procurement transactions are conducted in a manner providing full and open competition whenever practicable.
- To comply with procurement rules and applicable federal and state laws and regulations, as required.
- To solicit the participation of all qualified and responsible contractors and suppliers in the procurement process.
- To enhance accountability of the City’s and participating staff for their procurement decisions and actions.
- To assure equity for all parties involved in the procurement process.
- To obtain the best value for the money spent.
- To eliminate the possibility of corruption or unethical practices in the procurement process.