The City of Plantation uses the following methods to acquire goods and services from firm(s). Please see below:
$0.01 – $5,000.00: Purchases within this monetary threshold are typically handled by the requesting Department(s), and shall be based upon a minimum of one (1) quote by any one (1) or more of the following ways: by direct mail; by telephone or email; or by quotes received electronically via the internet.
$5,000.01 - $35,000.00: Purchases within this monetary threshold are typically handled by the requesting Department(s), and shall be based upon receiving at least three (3) written informal competitive bids or proposals from (3) different sources. City’s code does allow for exceptions to receiving three (3) informal competitive bids or proposals.
$35,000.00 - $100,000.00: Procurements within this monetary threshold are handled by the Procurement Department, and are typically considered informal solicitations and are electronically posted to the Demand Star website.
$100,000.01 +: Procurements within this monetary threshold are handled by the Procurement Department and are considered formal solicitations and electronically posted to the Demand Star website.